Repeat Prescriptions


How to Order a Repeat Prescription?

Please allow 48 hours (2 full working days) for requests to be processed before collecting your prescription from your nominated pharmacy. - Please only order what you need at least 7 days before you need it.

There are a few ways in which you can request repeat prescriptions.

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Use the NHS App

Forest Edge Practice would like to invite you to use The NHS App

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the NHS App which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice.


Image of the NHS App

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Order Online

You can order your repeat prescription online.

You can order your repeat prescription online.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using our online form which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice or you can order using the accuRx Platform.

Order using our online form

Order using accuRx

Image people ordering online
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Your Local Pharmacy

Some pharmacies offer a prescription collection service from our Practice

Image of medication bottles

Pharmacy Ordering / Collection Service

Your pharmacy can also order your medication on your behalf. This saves you time and unnecessary visits to the Practice. Please contact the Pharmacy of your choice for more information if you wish to use this service.

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By Phone

You can order repeat medication over the phone, but only if you are housebound.

  • You can do this by calling the Practices on: 020 8500 9938
  • Please be sure to call us after 2:00pm everyday.

Please Note: This service is for Housebound Patients only

Your Repeat Prescription

If you need regular medication and your doctor does not need to see you every time, you will be issued with a ‘repeat prescription’. When you collect a prescription you will see that it is perforated down the centre. The left-hand side is the actual prescription.The right-hand side (re-order slip) shows a list of medicines that you can request without booking an appointment to see a doctor. Please tear off this section (and keep it) before handing the prescription to the chemist for dispensing.

Run out or just about to run out of medication requests

Unfortunately, a small minority of patients are repeatedly running out (or just about to run out) of their medication. ‘Urgent’ requests of this nature cause a great deal of disruption to the smooth running of the practice. Please be aware that such requests will be questioned very carefully by the reception staff and may well be refused by the GP. A record is kept of such requests.

Medication Review

Patients on repeat medication will be asked at least once a year to review these; certain medication may require more regular review. A notification message should appear on your repeat prescription slip when one is due.

Medication reviews are undertaken by the GP and can either be a face-to-face appointment or alternatively more are being undertaken over the telephone as a telephone consultation.

There are a couple of exceptions where our nursing staff will review medication if you attend one of our specialist clinics e.g. diabetes or asthma but it is always good to check if you are not sure.

As soon as you get this message on your prescription slip and to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions please book an appointment which could be a telephone consultation or a face-to-face appointment.

Repeat Dispensing

If you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing from your pharmacist.  This means you won't have to visit the surgery every time you need more medicines. 

  Find Further Information About Repeat Dispensing